August Member Update

Aug 1, 2022

Thank you for your membership and for loving the Kroc Center so much

Wow!  A referral is the sincerest form of a compliment- so thank you! Our membership has grown immensely over the past few months, and so many people are interested in participating in our groupx classes. It’s a good “problem”, but a problem all the same: we must juggle instructor availability, limited pool/ gym space (can’t make the pools larger than they are) and multiple user groups (open usage, swim lessons, groupx classes, sports leagues and day camp). We value open communication and honesty and want to involve our members in providing a good experience for all. 
The below notice is highly aimed at our aquatics class participants, though all groupx students may find the reminders helpful… read on 
How we are addressing the high demand for classes:

  • Increased capacities for Rec Pool classes (effective mid-July!).
  • Additional classes being added to Therapy Pool (coming soon). We are actively working with our instructors and programming options to add a few additional therapy pool classes. This takes some doing as we want to ensure equitable attention is given to our lessons and access for members who want to use the pool for independent usage. 
  • Additional open session times in Therapy Pool (coming late Fall 2022). We understand that classes are often hard to get into and wish to increase availability for the pool so that members can take advantage of the benefits of the warm water pool using skills and knowledge gained over time spent in the classes.
  • Increased capacity for land classes such as BodyPump (coming soon – awaiting new equipment)

How you (our members) can help:

  • Alternate your usage between classes and open session times. The therapy pool has open session times at least 4 days per week and there is alternate availability in the Rec Pool, which is heated to the high 80s. We understand hours are currently limited due to swim lessons and camp, but there are only 5 short weeks left of camp. 
  • Avoid taking back to back classes. We added classes to the schedule to accommodate more people, as opposed to a small group of people for more time. The goal was that anyone who was unable to get into a 9:15am class could succeed in registering for the 10:30am class. Unfortunately, most days we’ve seen 3+ people registered for both classes. Although the classes used to hold up to 20 people (pre-COVID), member and instructor feedback is resounding: ample room is critical to ensuring a quality experience of exercises. 
  • Avoid taking classes each day. There are some “lucky” members who secure therapy pool class registrations up to 5 days per week. Similar to the back to back classes noted above, if you get into a class on Monday and/ or Tuesday, maybe skip registering on Wednesday, opting for open session or try our fitness equipment instead. 
  • Cancel your booking if you cannot make a class. We understand that plans can change during the 50 hours since making a reservation. Please cancel by using our Live Chat platform (chat icon in lower right of your screen) or leave a message at 619-269-1472.


  • Sign-up for classes up to 50 hours in advance. Popular classes tend to fill immediately. Don’t fret- we get many cancellations (see above), so plan on checking back, especially the morning of your desired class. 
  • View the schedule on our Fitness or Aquatics pages or download the printable version. You can also go directly to krocsales site (the link displayed uses a keyword “GroupX”

Other considerations & notes:  

  • Wait Lists: After a trial run of the pen & paper wait list, we have opted to discontinue the program. Although it has some downsides, the platform is designed to manage enrollments. Thanks for understanding. 
  • We are looking at other, creative, solutions for addressing the issue of supply/ demand for aquatic groupx classes, specifically Arthritis Foundation & Ai Chi.
  • Be on the lookout for updates. 

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